Who needs an INPATIENT MFM consultation?
• All patients going to ICU pregnant, regardless of gestational age
• All patients with a medical condition affecting maternal or fetal health and requiring hospitalization for that disease (i.e. IDDM, hyperthyroidism)
• All patients with concern for fetal anomaly requiring hospitalization
• If there is an indication for advanced ultrasonography (MCA dopplers, fetal echo, detailed anatomy) that needs to be done urgently (i.e. within 72 hours)
• Patients with medical or obstetric indication for preterm birth (i.e. severe preeclampsia)
• Any time your attending tells you to get a consult
Who needs an OUTPATIENT MFM consultation?
• Patients with medical co-morbidities in pregnancy
• Patients with obstetric complications affecting the pregnancy
• Patients with indications for advanced ultrasonography (i.e. family history of CHD —> fetal echocardiogram)
• Patients with known or suspected fetal anomalies
• Patients with fetuses with abnormal growth
• Patients with multiple gestation - twins of any chorionicity, triplets etc...
• Patients with complicated or poor outcomes in a prior pregnancy, or history of unexplained stillbirth
• Patients with history of preterm birth (please send at 16 weeks!)
Transfer of care / Complete MFM care
Maternal Neurologic disease
Seizure disorder, recent seizures, not controlled with medication
Multiple Sclerosis
Maternal Cardiac Disease
H/o cardiac surgery
Heart murmur / abnormal echocardiogram (not SEM of pregnancy)
Marfan syndrome
H/o myocardial infarction
cHTN with poor control (ie on multiple medications, increasing medications)
Maternal Renal Disease
Nephrotic Syndrome
Lupus Nephritis
Polycystic Kidney Disease with renal insuffiiciency
Chronic renal insufficiency or end stage renal disease
Maternal Endocrine Disease
Diabetes: Class B through R
Hyperthyroidism, uncontrolled on medication or symptomatic
Profound Hypothyroidism
Infectious Disease
Patients with ICU admission during pregnancy for sepsis
HIV, symptomatic or AIDS
Syphilis with PCN allergy
TORCH infection
Primary HSV infection during pregnancy
Maternal Pulmonary Disease
Asthma with poor control
Maternal Autoimmune disease
Lupus, Sjogren syndrome
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Obstetric history
Multiple late pregnancy losses, >3 consecutive SAB
History of preterm delivery with birth at limits of viability (23-26 weeks)
History of severe preeclampsia or IUGR < 32 weeks
Incompetent cervix, first visit >16 weeks
Hematologic conditions
Anemia, severe (HgB <8)
Sickle cell disease
DVT, PE in pregnancy
Prothrombin gene mutation, antithrombin 3 deficiency, Factor V Leiden
Von Willebrands disease
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Cancer in pregnancy
Obesity >45 BMI (with other comorbidity)
Gynecologic Disease
Adnexal mass (>10 cm) in pregnancy
Maternal Hepatic or GI disease
Chron’s disease / Ulcerative Colitis
Cholestasis of pregnancy
Obstetric disease
Placental problems: tumor, previa, accreta
Isoimmunization (+antibody screen not from Rhogam)
Fetal anomalies – suggestive of aneuploidy
Substance abuse, profound or on methadone replacement
Consultation only or comanagement
Maternal Neurologic disease
Seizure disorder, history of, no seizure for > 6 months not on medication
Seizure disorder, controlled on medication
Maternal Cardiac disease
HTN, chronic, on medication and well controlled
H/o heart murmur, normal echocardiogram and EKG
Maternal Renal disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease with normal BUN/Cr
Maternal Endocrine disease
Gestational diabetes (A1 and A2)
Class B-D DM but well controlled
Gestational / subclinical hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroid, controlled on medication, or new diagnosis asymptomatic
Infectious disease
Chronic hepatitis B or C carrier
History of syphilis, treated, or current without PCN allergy
History of HSV
Serology positive for TORCH without evidence of current infection
HIV, asymptomatic, on HAART
Maternal Pulmonary Disease
Asthma with good control, or history of asthma not on medications
Obstetric history
Habitual miscarriage (>2 first trimester losses, or 1 first trimester and one
IUFD > 12 weeks)
Prior Cesarean section
Prior high-risk pregnancy
H/o preterm birth
H/o severe preeclampsia or IUGR
Incompetent cervix
Screen positive MSAFP with no evidence of fetal abnormality
Fetal anatomic survey with single soft marker seen (echogenic intracardiac
focus, mild renal pelviectasis, choroid plexus cyst, etc…)
Family history of Downs syndrome or congenital heart disease
Hematologic conditions
Anemia, mild/moderate (HgB >8)
Sickle Cell Trait
Gynecologic disease
Adnexal mass, <10 cm
Advanced maternal age (>35 at time of delivery), normal genetic screening
History of substance abuse, now stopped
Obesity, BMI <45 with no comorbidities
ANYTHING an outside provider thinks should have an MFM consultation